Nicaraguan Meals

It is so hard to process the experience we just had in Nicaragua- it was amazing, incredible, and hard in different ways.  Maybe more to come on that later but I LOVED the food.

At the compound we stayed at, the wonderful women who cooked our meals would ring a bell when the meal was ready.  I already miss that!  I love to cook but man, it was great to just hear the bell and go to the dining area and boom...the food was there : ).  In fact, I would love to hear a bell ringing this evening!

I love to truly see what people from other countries eat so here is some of what we had...


Here is the spread they put out for us at the house- the one below- *papaya*watermelon*bananas*eggs* (and pancakes)- don't think is a traditional one ; ) 

The next day, *maduros (ripe plantains- kind of taste like dessert to me)*eggs*papaya, watermelon and pineapple* beans*

*Sausage*eggs*watermelon*papaya*pineapple* (notice a pattern)- I ate me LOTS of papaya last week! 

*eggs*rice and beans*papaya*pineapple*watermelon*


Every day we went to our community where we drilled the well and I did the health and hygiene lessons for the women and the children.  Usually around 12:30 ish they brought food to our community that was made at the house we stayed at- here is what they brought (notice we were very well fed!). 

Pictured below *rice*"guacamole (they called it that but hard boiled eggs were in the mix)*chicken*

*Rice with veggies, chicken and some type of sausage*

*Rice*salad*and some type of meatball*

Okay, so the LAST day in the community to celebrate dedicating the well to the community, the women made chicken soup- we saw LESS chickens this day running around : ) They made it in a massive cast iron wide pot- *yucca*some type of squash*plantains*some type of meatball* and well, the chicken leg* : ) Delish! 
ONLY it was incredibly hot outside and the soup was incredibly hot, so nothing like sweating throughout your whole meal! 


*Rice*Plantain fritters?-yummy*and chicken with onions, jalapenos and a cream sauce*

They grilled out back this night for us *beef*chicken*sausage*rice and beans*salad*

*Chicken*rice and beans*toast with ham, cheese and some sort of salsa? I don't know how to describe it!*

The last night in Leon, Nicaragua, they took us to the beach (which was beautiful) and we ate dinner at a place on the beach- this was not mine, but Dennis got lobster -below-

Below- I have fish somewhere beneath the sauce and potatoes and there was A LOT of it! 

This was the restaurant and the beach- a beautiful night! 

There you have it! To recap- rice and beans, rice and beans, chicken, rice and beans...just kidding! I LOVE rice and beans so I was a happy camper. 


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