Weekly Meal Plan 4/23-4/29
Our adventures continue! We spent the weekend in Winston-Salem, N.C. with Ben's aunt and uncle (who we absolutely love!). His Aunt Lisa is an excellent cook so I loved just enjoying her cooking.
Her meal Saturday night - was a roasted leg of lamb + sauteed asparagus + skillet potatoes-
I am all about the quality, yummy protein with side of veggies. Perfect.
Sunday night-
I dug deep in our freezer to see if there was anything I could whip up after we got back.
*Chicken and Mushroom Ravioli (Costco) with marinara sauce
*green beans
Real.life. Nothing fancy but got us fed : )
Monday night-
Freestyle night- Ben will be gone and I think I am going to take the kids to La Duranguese. A COMPLETE and TOTAL hole in the wall in Marietta. We saw it written up in Atlanta magazine and spontaneously took the kids there...loved it and will go again. They don't speak any English though so ordering is an adventure : ) Gorditas are their specialty!
Her meal Saturday night - was a roasted leg of lamb + sauteed asparagus + skillet potatoes-
I am all about the quality, yummy protein with side of veggies. Perfect.
Went to Old Salem, which is such a cute area to their farmers market, which was a great time.
Some sauerkraut and unique mushrooms. Lions mane mushrooms are our fave!
Went to a farm there and the kids got to collect eggs that they sent home with us.
Wish we would have gotten more pics but we got a few good ones!
Sunday night-
I dug deep in our freezer to see if there was anything I could whip up after we got back.
*Chicken and Mushroom Ravioli (Costco) with marinara sauce
*green beans
Real.life. Nothing fancy but got us fed : )
Monday night-
Freestyle night- Ben will be gone and I think I am going to take the kids to La Duranguese. A COMPLETE and TOTAL hole in the wall in Marietta. We saw it written up in Atlanta magazine and spontaneously took the kids there...loved it and will go again. They don't speak any English though so ordering is an adventure : ) Gorditas are their specialty!
Tuesday night-
OKAY! Onto some actual recipes! My parents are coming up from Florida for ONE glorious week so I have some meals planned but we may also go out some as well.
Will serve with sliced avocado and some tortilla chips (<shocker, I know!)
Wednesday night-
I am trying to find recipes that use some of the same ingredients- so, black beans and avocado for Tuesday night, will also get used tonight!
Thursday night-
A new recipe I am trying out from a blog I like...Green Turkey Chile over Quinoa
She had me at goat cheese.

Friday night-
I am suuuuuuuuuuuuper excited and am actually taking Luke to Cirque du Soleil/Kurios tonight!
We are going to the 4:30 p.m. show and will either get food there or go to a fun place in Atlanta to eat afterwards. I am so looking forward to some fun time with my little man, while my big man is away.
Here is one snack recipe I am trying this week as well-
Have a great week!!!
I heart avocado!!!! Those tostaDas look great