Weekly Meal Plan 5/7-5/14
Happy Mother's Day!!! If you are a mama reading this, I hope you got a few breaks, time to yourself and/or sweet family time.
If you are interested in some Atlanta/Marietta restaurants, we just have gone out a bunch with my parents visiting....click HERE if you want to check out any of those places.
If you are interested in some Atlanta/Marietta restaurants, we just have gone out a bunch with my parents visiting....click HERE if you want to check out any of those places.
Ben did a great job with the kids serving/getting me a few things-
A sweet card, hot tea, nut butter and flowers-(some from my sweet neighbor Lara too!)
Thankful for these two!
Saturday night-
We went over to our friend's house for dinner and it was so much fun! We love them, our kids love each other and always a good time!
I brought some side dishes-
The recipe calls for pumpkin and craisins and pecans...I just made it my own with roasted butternut sqaush, raisins, and cashews. Delish.
I also brought Sauteed Okra-
I had never had okra before moving to Georgia and then when we moved here, I only had fried okra in some restaurants. These friends introduced me to roasted okra on a beach trip and I was SOLD!
Here is how I prep mine-
Okra (however much you want!)
olive oil (2 tbsp)
salt to taste
2 tbsp cornmeal
Directions- Put olive oil in medium sized skillet and heat skillet to medium heat. Throw in okra and left soften/caramelize- add salt to taste. Towards the end, add the cornmeal and stir. You may need to put a little more olive oil in if it gets to "dry". It gets rid of the "sliminess" that okra sometimes has and gives it a "crust" without being fried!
Sunday night-
Ben did awesome at making sure I didn't cook (much)- Luke made me my oatmeal in the morning, we went to Chipotle for lunch (one of my faves) and then Ben grilled kabobs and we had a side dish of Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potato Salad
Monday night-
I will leave out the jalapenos, because of the kiddos...maybe a tiny bit : )

Tuesday night-
I am taking the kids to Rock Ranch today with some friends so we will be gone all day. This seems like a quick throw together dish- if I am worn out, I may not, but I am planning on this anyhow.
Wednesday night-
We are having a team meeting for our Nicaragua missions trip tonight- I signed up to bring a salad-
No recipe, probably just..*lettuce*strawberries*avocados*candied bacon or just regular bacon- we'll see how I feel : )
Toss it with a simple viniagrette- I use olive oil+ balsamic vinegar + dijon mustard typically for this one. I can write down proportions and post it later.
Thursday night-
Pioneer Woman's Honey Soy Salmon- will use tamari instead of the soy.

Will also serve with rice and a veggie (probably a salad actually).
Friday night-
Taking a meal to a friend recovering from surgery and this is my go-to meal lately to take to friends!
8 boneless, skinless organic chicken thighs
4 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Tbsp fresh basil
1 bunch fresh rosemary
1 tsp onion powder
½ onion, diced
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
¼ cup coconut oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine basil, salt, pepper, onion powder and sprinkle over the chicken
Add coconut oil and minced garlic, onions to the bottom of the crock pot.
Place chicken on the top
Pour balsamic vinegar over the chicken and add rosemary.
Cover and cook on high for 4 hours.
This is SO easy y'all. I bring it with green beans and coconut rice- I can provide recipes for those if anyone wants! Just comment below.
Saturday night-
When we go to Germany with my family in the summers, we spend a few days in the Alsatian region of France and this is a very popular dish in that region...going to try this one! It all just goes on a baking pan- easy!
The end. Have a great week! Luke is officially done with school, so summer here we come!
P.S. You should really check out Sweetwater Creek State park - it was so beautiful! We want to take the kids back there.
Aaaaaaand in other bubble tea news, my fave bubble tea place on the Marietta Square is STILL closed for renovations...ayiyi...1st world problems for sure. So, Ben found a place in Atlanta (by Ponce City Market) that does bubble tea. He sent me off for the afternoon- I STILL miss Tiny Bubbles, but it was good and relaxing.
I am teetotally doing that crackpot (spell check doesn't correct to crock pot so I am leaving....whatevs) that chicken sitch. I have rosemary and basil literally growing on my back porch. Done done.
ReplyDeleteYou are crazy- in all the good ways. Haha! Luke put that on my Mother's Day thingy today at church, "I love my mom...because she is crazy!" Hmmm...