Small Joys + Meals
My sweet sister takes Luke for an annual aunt/nephew weekend in Charlotte, NC (that is where she lives) and so we meet up halfway to exchange Luke...inevitably I run into traffic on the way back and sat for a loooong time on I-285. So grateful for an amazing sunset to offset my blood boiling : /
Each year we make a heart shape pizza with the kids- here are pics from the last few years. You can either buy pizza dough or here is my basic go-to pizza dough recipe !
We cut the pepperoni into hearts like you would on a sheet of paper : )
So easy and so fun!
Going to do this 3 day soup cleanse this week! Will throw some protein in for sure- I am weird/crazy I know, but I like to mix things up. Plus, when the husband is gone for work, I can get away with this! *Heather Christo Blog*

I made falafels this past week and they were so-so BUT THE SAFFRON RICE!
You must make this- so tasty!
*Tory Avey Blog*
Would be great with some grilled meat-
Sauteed Brussel Sprouts
*thinly sliced brussel sprouts (already bought or do this yourself)
*coconut oil
*salt and pepper to taste
*optional 1 tbsp brown sugar- if you want more sweetness
Heat 1 tbsp of coconut oil over medium heat. Add brussel sprouts and salt. Cook for about 10 minutes until nice and caramelized. You may want to turn the heat to low to finish it off!
And will try these this week! Taking some friends a meal and will deliver the fixin's for these...
*Heather Christo Blog*

Lastly- a new breakfast idea IF you can do sweeeet stuff in the morning- it is virtuous because you use steel cut oats??!!!
*Edible Perspective Blog*
But I did leave off mixing in the marshmallows...really it was sweet enough already but oh man. This was our breakfast Saturday morning with some bacon : )
Kind of a short list this week...Happy Valentine's Week- if you like that sort of thing ; )
Scroll for restaurants and life lately!
One of my FAVORITE things to eat is at a restaurant called Chai Pani in Decatur. They have a dish called kale pakoras- it is kale fried in chickpea flour- We had an evening in Decatur and couldn't resist! Eve had the rice + daal dish-
Okra fries...
Our Thali dish that we shared as well!
I got their housemade chai- Eve likes to toast : )
My sweet man bringing me my favorite flowers-
Went to Egg Harbor Cafe for breakfast with my dear friend Tracy- we were celebrating her birthday and they have a gluten free cinnamon roll- amazing!
My favorite below- Eve with her BFF- the pure joy and love is delightful to watch!
Hiking with our fave little gal...
Please comment or post/tag me with any meal ideas! I could always use more ideas!
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