Summer Goodies! Meals + Treats
Another hodge-podge of a post with different snacks, desserts and meal ideas...keeping it simple over here- lots of grilling and simple sides!
First one needs no explanation- just a delish s'mores !
We took the kids to a cabin in the Blue Ridge, GA area for the weekend and it was lovely- of course, these had to happen while we were there!
Here is my disclaimer with this post--- we get a big Costco check each year and with it we stock up on meats we don't normally buy- the filet mignon, flank steak, frenched lamb, etc...we are not eating this super often and don't buy it much!
Filet mignon, mashed potatoes and side salad- This was Father's Day dinner- we brought out the fancy stuff : ) !
And Ben loves mashed potatoes and I don't make them a whole lot- he was a happy camper.
NOTHING fancy about the mashed potatoes- really just some butter and I actually used almond milk because that is just what I had- they were super creamy!
THIS was a huge leap for me- A while back a friend ordered some meat from White Oak Pastures- a somewhat close by farm in the Atlanta area and I thought, what the heck, I will order some duck. I had never cooked with duck before and it turned out so well!
*Bon Appetit*
Except I just used a red wine instead of the port-
AND made a simple mashed sweet potatoes to serve on- I just used a little bit of butter, cinnamon and a little bit of almond milk. That is also some roasted butternut squash...
An oldie but a goodie...
Korean Flank Steak -
1-3 T. sesame seeds
1/4 c. salad oil
1/2 c. soy sauce/tamari
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 t. pepper
1/2 t. ginger (scant)
1/4 c. brown sugar (I will honey instead sometimes) and I usually just use 1/8 brown sugar and it is still good!
2 green onions sliced (I don't always have these on hand and it is fine without them I think!)
Place steak in a glass dish. Pour on marinade and let stand overnight in refrigerator- flip occasionally-
Broil or BBQ 5. min each side-

Served with...
Coconut Rice, Roasted Purple Cauliflower and freshly picked corn- courtesy of a sweet friend!
Next, is EASY Sunday eating-
I took out...hummus, tapenade, blueberry goat cheese, watermelon, carrots, rice crackers, chips + salsa and some multigrain crackers- dinner done. The kids actually loved it! Make yourself a "tapas" plate and you don't have to turn on the oven at all!

*Fannetastic Food Blog*
For Ben and the kids served over rice, which I just wasn't feeling that night, so I just combined it with some golden beets for me and then made sweet potato wedges as well!

At the cabin, we kept it super simple- focus on a protein and is one creation.
Brought kielbasa, raw sauerkraut, roasted some potatoes + a Salad!
Y'all, I made this straight up full of gluten and all the things blueberry pie so I went Betty Crocker style...
*Betty Crocker *
Luke helped with this one and first time with lattice work action!
With our blueberry bounty from blueberry picking, we made Blackberry Coconut Oatmeal Muffins
from the Heather Christo Blog- BUT true to Cristina-style, I used blueberries instead and left out the coconut and didn't put the topping on...don't be afraid to make it your own! They turned out well!
Random creation-
This is Trader Joe's Frozen Cauliflower Pizza Crust-
I just followed the directions on the box and then added fig jam + sliced peaches + goat cheese...pretty good!
Now to combine the blueberries + peach theme I have going on- we made these Peach + Blueberry Popsicles and I seriously can't remember what recipe we used...just google it and there is a plethora of options! They were eating these for breakfast : )
*Kid feedback* They prefer the blueberries to be blended in and not kept whole- duly noted.
Have a great week!!!!
Life Lately- keep scrolling if interested in food adventures!
Date Night!!!
Hoang Loang
Hole in the wall in Marietta- their spring rolls- if I could fist pump someone after eating this, I would.
Random new things-
*Roasted Golden Beets - Trader Joes
*Rambutan- Trader Joes- apparently I have been living under a rock about this fruit!
*Ball squash- Marietta Farmer's Market- I have never seen this squash before
*Golden raspberries- Trader Joes
*Green Matcha Chia Seed drink- Marietta Farmers Market
Morning Date with my girl- she requested the Marietta Farmer's Market and Bubble Tea- I am raising her right :)
IN THE RAIN- but she loved it and wanted to get wet the whole time!
Bigun's BBQ- on the way back from Blue Ridge- in my mind, you can't have BBQ without beef brisket!
Family Birthday Dinner- Yeah Burger!
Tried a new place in the ATL and it was so good! The kids were troopers!
Sharing their salad- just so you know, they weren't thrilled about it, but did it anyway- it was for my birthday!
This is Luke's picture taking girl Jen bringing me a Starbucks drink on my birthday...*sigh*
East Marietta- my parents treat us to a birthday meal every year and this is where I picked- this is the lamb....YUM.
Not complete without some sangria!!!
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