Spring is Coming? and Meals!
Favorite dish of the week- cinnamon rolls! Saturday morning felt like a cinnamon roll kind of morning, and these were awesome!
They are gluten free/vegan- just a heads up but a good substitute for the real deal : )
Made some bacon, soft boiled eggs and a side of fruit- I love leisurely Saturday mornings!
Okay- now for the meals of the week!
Going basic, but yummy with build your own taco bowl night...
I used a different pork tenderloin recipe, and honestly I didn't love it, so I am going to just put the link for my favorite Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas Recipe
*Serve with avocado
*tortilla chips
*cilantro and lime rice - after rice is done cooking, I use the juice from 1 lime + about 1-2 tbsp of cilantro + 1/2 tbps of butter and mix!
*sauteed peppers + onions- heat skillet to medium heat- add 1 tbsp of olive oil- add sliced pepper and onion and cook until soft and caramelized
Easy and go make this this week! Gingery Broccoli and Mushroom Beef Stir Fry-
EXCEPT obviously I used green beans instead of broccoli- my family prefers green beans and although I LOVE me some broccoli, I throw them a bone sometimes : )
This dish was actually cooked by Ben! Say it is a Friday afternoon/evening, and I was over cooking for the week- DONE. Ben offered to make it- Ben doesn't cook soooo...I set him up for the most part, but he did it and assembled and cooked everything. I actually walked in the door and dinner was ready for me- that.never.happens. One happy wife. Ben can make this people!
*We used plain yogurt instead of sour cream*
Okay, so this one is not pretty to photograph either : / But yummy.
One night was breakfast for dinner-
Made a loaf of Spiced Zucchini Bread *Heather Christo Blog*
and just made eggs + bacon- then served with some fruit!
Okay so haven't made this one yet, but going to make it this week! I can't vouch for it, but it looks great! I don't love tomatoes though so won't add those...
*Heather Christo Blog*

Oh ! I almost forgot- these are not healthy in anyway shape or form but made Pioneer Woman's Monster Cookies this week- this makes a TON so you can do a random act of kindness and make some for yourself and take some to someone just because this week ; )
OR freeze them and save them for another night!
Please please let me know any meal ideas you have! I am always looking for more and easy!
Have a great week!
Life lately--- Spring is coming? Our weather is so crazy- crazy warm one day and then this week- we will have lows in the 20s...whaaat? I guess it is like that many places right now-
Lunch with a dear friend mid-week at Thaicoon- I cannot stop ordering the green curry- I just can't!
Signs of spring- I love all.the.colors!
The end of a good homeschool day calls for bubble tea : )
Eve can't be bothered to look at the camera- I was interrupting her bubble tea sip.
This is what Eve wears regularly- fashionista?
Another splurge- Doughnut Dollies- this one is the "Mikey"- an eclair like doughnut with espresso cream in the middle- Luke does NOT need espresso- a whole piece of bacon on top. I am a kill joy and I let him have half : ) we still had more homeschool that day...I can't deal with a sugared up child to teach. I just can't.
SO, we finally went to Stone Mountain- yes, we have lived in Georgia for 6 years and we haven't been yet! I loved it! Beautiful day and beautiful views.
Ben is a rock star and carried Eve- there is no way she would have made it up- the top was a crazy amount of up. So, yes, we were carrying our 4 year old in a hiking backpack= way less complaining!
German restaurant in Stone Mountain- Village Corner
We ordered the sausage sampler/platter- as my sister said, "For the love of meat!"
Enjoy the crazy weather we have!
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